Joakim Hertze / clients

Privacy policy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies in all Member States of the European Union from 25 May 2018, regulates how personal information should be handled.

Photographer Joakim Hertze is responsible for the personal information collected and processed in conjunction with a photo shoot, as well as on this website. This information includes your name, the contact information you volunteer (including your e-mail address) and in some cases photos of you.

Personal data from photography sessions

Digital information is stored on my computers, which are protected by secure network access and a firewall, and on secure external servers. Physical documents, such as contracts, invoices and film negatives are stored in my home, which is protected by locks and a burglary alarm. Film negatives may also be stored at the film lab contracted for developing and scanning my film for periods of time.

The personal information described above is stored with the purpose of:

  • Archiving photos in the case that you as a client want further access to them
  • Publishing photos on my own web site and on social media, in order to show my work
  • Sending invoices by e-mail

Personal data from this website, including cookies

This website does not set any cookies or collect any personal data from visitors.

Your rights

The basis for lawful processing of your personal data is the contract we have signed, the consent you have given in preparation for the photo shoot, or the consent to volunteer contact information when signing up for the newsletter. I keep your personal information from photography sessions for seven years after having invoiced you, or the amount of time required by Swedish law.

You have the right to request that I disclose what information about you that I keep. If that information is erroneous, incomplete ot misguiding, you have the right to request that is rectified or deleted.

If you have questions, want to change your information or request that I cease to store information about you in the manner previously described, you are welcome to contact me. If you are dissatisfied with how I handle personal information you may also lodge a formal complaint with the Swedish supervisory authority Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten (IMY).

Updated 7 February, 2022.